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4. The Experiment

4.1 First

All the sample equipment you applied for will be at the instrument around 10am on the day you begin. It is your responsibility to get the sample record sheet from the DAC (Data Acquisition Central) and put it in the box on the side of the instrument. If there is something wrong on the sample sheet you must inform your local contact. First, the sample has to be placed in the beam, for the different sample environments see that respective heading. All equipment has a note saying how far down the center of the beam is, to make it easy for you to put your sample at the right height.

4.2 Safety

The safety system is composed of an electrical and a mechanical system. Your local contact will go through the safety system with you.

4.3 Computer introduction

The OSIRIS computer is a Digital Alpha workstation running OpenVMS. There are four desktops on the computer: data monitor is used to monitor the experiment and run all the command files; osimgr is reserved for the instrument responsible; Analysis for analysis; and User is for the user to do with what ever he wants.

Since VMS might not be familiar to all users, we start with some VMS commands. To find out where your are your can type either where or show def and then to change your directory simply type set def directory. Directories are always written within square brackets, you either type the full name or if you want to go down to dir1 you need only type [.dir1] and if you want to go up one step you can use [-]. You create a new directory by writing create/directory [.name]

If you open a new window you will be in the [osiris] area. If your name is Smith and you want to change directory to your directory you would type

set def [.users.smith] 
to get down to your directory (the first dot is needed) and if you want to get up again you type either directly
set def [osiris]
set def [-.-]
meaning you want to go upwards two steps One file not in the osiris area that you might be interested in is []journal.txt. This contains run number, username, title, time the run ended and number of microamps of each run.

If you want to print a postscript file, this is most easily done by using one of the plaser scripts. The printer in the DAC is number 2 and if you want to print to it just type plaser2 The printer on the 3rd floor in R3 (photo copier room) is number 1.


The area you work in on osiris is osiris$disk0:[osiris]. Programmes being developed are in [.alpha], and other programmes are in [.programmes]. In [osimgr.tcb] are all the files with the Time Channel Boundaries. They contain tcb files which should not be changed by the user. These files should only be edited by the ochange command.

OSIRIS data that is directly accessible are in the areas OSIRIS$DISK1:[OSIMGR.DATA] and OSIRIS$DISK0:[OSIMGR.DATA]. You access these areas via the logical name osiris_data. OpenGenie is configured to automatically search these directories.

your files

Users should only keep files in the [osiris.users] directory and on scratch$disk:[osiris]. The files in [osiris.users] will be saved for the current cycle but if the disk space is needed they will be deleted during the next cycle. When you have finished you experiment, copy the files you want to save to your own account on user$disk. If you have not got an account the computer support will help you get one.

4.4 Setting up to run

Running the experiment and most of the sample environment is controlled by the computer.


To begin with you need to decide what d-spacing range you want to measure. You can choose from the values in table d-range

The standard d-ranges at 25Hz .
The choppers are set up with the command
drange range 
where range corresponds to the numbers in table d-range. drange is a command file which for range 1 does the following:
$ cset c_ph6 3180
$ cset c_ph10 5056
$ load [osimgr.tcb]l2.tcb 
First the phase of the 6.2 meter chopper is set to 3180 \mus and then the 10 meter one is set to 5056 \mus. At last the right TCB values are loaded. The name l2 stems from lamda=2Å, which is the lowest wavelength for that setting.

Sample environment

There is usually one temperature sensor on the sample, and another in the cryostat/furnace. They are connected to the EuroTherm in the cabin. The right side of it (temp) is used for controlling the cryostat and the left side (temp1) for controlling a furnace.

All CAMAC (Computer Aided Measurement And Control) parameters are checked and changed with the two commands cshow and cset

Depending on your sample environment, there are different values that you want to set, see section SE. The temperature is controlled by setting either heater or temp depending on what equipment you use. For the cryo-magnet he magnetic field is set with the command file magset value where values is the field in Tesla.

When you eg use the orange cryostat or furnace, to set the temperature, you typically type

$ cset temp/value=50/range=10/control
where 50 is the temperature in Celsius for the furnaces and in Kelvin for the cryostats, range means that data is collected as long as the temperature is within plus minus 5 degrees of the value you did set. This is not fully correct since if you type nocontrol instead of control, data is collected irrespective of what temperature you are at. Every sensor is identified by a device number. To change device (something your local contact will do) you type,
$ cset temp/devspec=number

The heating power is set in percentage of the maximum voltages, (which is set by hand on the physical heater, also done by your local contact), with the parameter max_power. To see what power is presently used cshow power/enq. Note that if you are controlling on temp1 and not temp you just replace temp1 for temp

4.5 Collecting data

The current status of your experiment can be read on the dashboard. If there is no dashboard on your screen you can start one with the command stat on and conversely you turn it of with on replaced by off. There is a "windowed" version of the dashboard, which is started with the command dash if you prefer that.

If e.g. temp is not display in the dashboard you can "turn it on" by

cset temp/disp.
The run is started by typing begin ended by end paused by pause resumed by resume and aborted by abort.

4.6 Command files (VMS)

You are now ready to write down your whole experiment in a command file. A command file would typically look like this:

$ Set Verify
$ cset max_power 10
$ cset temp/value=200/range=10/control
$ cset temp1/value=200/range=10/control
$ drange 1 
$ change title """new title"""
$ begin
$ waitfor 30 uAmps
$ end
$ drange 2 
$ change title """new title"""
$ begin
$ waitfor 30 uAmps
$ end
$ cset max_power 30
$ cset temp/value=500/range=10/control
$ cset temp1/value=500/range=10/control
$ drange 1 
$ change title """new title"""
$ begin
$ waitfor 30 uAmps
$ end

The first line set veriv is for the command file to echo the commands it is performing. The maximal power of the heater is then set to 10\%. Temparture is set to 200 degrees and with range=10 we are not going to collect data if the temperature is plus minus 5 degrees from what we set. If we would have typed nocontrol instead of control this vetoing of out of range data would have been overridden.

4.7 Finally

When you have finished your experiment the sample needs to be taken out of the beam. As soon as you have taken it out you should measure the induced radioactivity and act according to table radiation

>10\muSv/hour Phone ISIS duty officer leave sample within interlocked area.
>0.1\muSv/hour Store sample in osiris active sample cupboard with sample
record sheet. The sample may NOT be removed from its
container. For removal from ISIS contact the duty officer
<0.1\muSv/hour The sample is not radioactive. For removal from ISIS contact
the duty officer
Treating a radioactive sample, (ISIS duty officer x6789) .
If the sample needs to be stored in the active sample cupboard you must mark you sample and fill in the sample cupboard log book. THE ACTIVE SAMPLE CUPBOARD LOG-BOOK MUST BE COMPLETED FOR ALL SAMPLES WHEN STORED IN OR REMOVED FROM THIS CUPBOARD. Do not forget do leave your e-mail address, so that we can contact you when the sample is safe for you to bring back.

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